What are dental bridges?
A dental bridge is used to replace missing teeth and helps to ‘bridge the gap’ between teeth. T
he typical bridge comprises one or more artificial teeth, known as pontics, which are held in place by two dental crowns
which are fixed on the natural teeth or dental implant adjacent to the missing tooth.
What does the procedure involve?
Dental bridges treatments are performed by Prosthodontists. The procedure usually requires two appointments.
First appointment will include preparation of the teeth on either side to the missing tooth by re- moving any decay and shaping the
surface to properly fit the dental bridge.Once these details are accomplished, accurate mold/impression of the prepared teeth is
taken and temporary crown will be fixed on the prepared tooth with temporary cement.
At the second appointment temporary bridge will be removed, the teeth will be cleaned,
and new permanent dental bridge will be carefully cemented in place ensuring the bite is accurate.
You will be given care instructions and encouraged to have regular dental visits to check your new dental bridge